Saturday, January 19, 2008

I love three-day weekends.

They're pretty awesome, cause well, they're three days instead of two. Except all I've done today is lounge around in my bed with a laptop watching Brotherhood 2.0 videos. I should probably do something else. I went to Target today and tried to find a new book to read but Target doesn't seem to have the biggest selection of books to choose from. I went over to the music section where I was immediately surrounded by the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and all the High School Musical Soundtracks (there are like 20, right?) with the occasional attempt for some indie cred: the Juno soundtrack and Radiohead. It saddened me a bit to see such crap music everywhere, but hopefully kids will grow out of that Hannah phase. Isn't she pregnant yet?

In other news I joined up in this challenge today to blog every day for the rest of the year. It can be a word, a picture, anything. As long as it's every day. I thought it would be fun to try out, especially considering I'll be starting college this year. I'll see if I can really stick to my word and it'll be fun to document the start of college. Nerd fighter signing off!

P.S. I think comments would be real encouragement for me, and I need all the encouragement I can get. So even if you want to tell me what a crap job I do at blogging or how boring my life is, please do.


Anonymous said...

Okay. I'll comment on your site too, Nicole.


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