Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm crashing early tonight...

I'm so tired. It's been a long day and I went to sleep at like 2:30 last night because I couldn't sleep. Blegh! So Kat's out and Nora missed a day, that hamburger is getting closer than I thought.


Iain McLeod said...

You make the cutest comments urging people to post.

Also, hamburger = iain's hamburger.

p.s. I like the new layout, and the cony island.

Nor said...

i'm not out yet! ahhh!

shelana said...

you didnt go to bed too early, you were still up when i went to bed, which makes me an older lady than yoooou.

sad =(

Iain McLeod said...

we need to talk about your serious obsession with my taste in music, haha

Anonymous said...

i know, i suck :-( maybe i'll just win a ham sandwich.

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